November 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse

The disruptive quality of recent weeks continues during the current Eclipse season. There was a Solar Eclipse on 25th October and now we are about to experience a Total Lunar Eclipse on 8th November at 11.00 am GMT. The close conjunction of Uranus (the Awakener) and the North Node (future path) although beginning to separate is still effective, and now the eclipsed Moon is joining them. Energy is always high at a Full Moon, but now there is extra intensity, because of the Eclipse. Unexpected emotions may erupt and there could be several surprises in store.

Be prepared to be surprised

Eclipses mark serious changes in direction especially if the degree of the Eclipse triggers a point in your personal birth chart. These changes are seen as karmic in nature for we are set on a new path which aids our development and growth. Often secrets are uncovered at Eclipses as new information comes to light. The presence of Uranus at this Eclipse point adds emphasis to this idea because Uranus brings the unexpected into our lives. Its purpose is to release us from limitations and blocks. In particular it helps to free up our thinking and attitudes.

The Moon, Uranus and North Node conjunction in Taurus is part of a wider configuration as it opposes the Sun, South Node, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, and is in square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. This configuration is known as a fixed T-square.

The T-square

This time of year when the Sun is in Scorpio, is for many traditions, a time of release, when all that is blocking our progress is discarded. It could be that revelations uncovered by Uranus and the Eclipse, may alter our understanding regarding certain areas of our lives. As a result we may feel it important to let go of anything that no longer is in our highest interests. These could be old patterns of thinking (Mercury), relationships (Venus), ways of communicating (Mercury) or a set of values (Venus). Our needs may change and as a result we recognise that certain aspects of our daily life prevent us moving forward successfully. As part of the process of release it is beneficial to recognise how those things have enriched us in the past and so let them go with good grace and love (Venus).

Saturn in challenging aspect to both the planets in Scorpio and those in Taurus, encourages us to think very carefully before making rash decisions. As Saturn represents the past and old structures we may feel some reluctance at letting go until we acknowledge that change is a huge part of growth and as times (Saturn) pass so our needs alter.

Mars (action) is currently in retrograde motion, suggesting that it is not easy to physically put plans in motion right now. This could cause some frustration and lead to anger. Since Mars is in the air sign of Gemini, then it could manifest as angry words. Gemini is ruled by Mercury (communication).  However, a positive  manifestation of this placement of Mars is the ability to reason out why we feel angry in the first place and come up with alternative solutions. Mars in Gemini also gives us the ability to mentally plan our later moves.

Mars is in a quincunx aspect to Pluto which indicates the transformation (Pluto) of our systems (Capricorn) will require some effort (quincunx) if we are to realise our goals (Mars).

Jupiter is now retrograde and has moved from fiery Aries into watery Pisces. It is moving into a wide conjunction with Neptune. Both these planets rule Pisces – Jupiter is the traditional ruler and Neptune the modern one. While such an aspect can suggest flooding or large gatherings of people unified in a common belief there is also the potential for huge (Jupiter) waves of compassion and unconditional love (Neptune) sweeping through the world. An easy flowing configuration of Neptune, Venus and Pallas Athene in the water signs adds weight to this possibility.

There are six planets plus the Nodes in fixed signs at this eclipse. The energy is therefore rather heavy and unyielding. Fixed signs stand their ground, do not budge easily and can be extremely stubborn. On the plus side, this is energy that is determined and can carry us through to achieve positive outcomes.

Don’t get stuck in the mud




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